Sunday 30 March 2025
Start Time: 10am
Blitz the Tainui Trail on our specially designed course from the Tainui Reserve, up through the trails, and home along Joll Road to finish at Havelock North Primary. Adults are more than welcome on this course too as a chaperone.
Tainui Trail
Tainui Reserve → Hikanui Pa → Havelock North Primary
Individuals – $25
Adult Chaperone – $10
Feel free to chaperone your child on the Tainui Trail for $10 and help contribute to this great fundraising cause!
Start time & location
Start 10am at Tainui Reserve, Havelock North
Make sure you are there 15 mins before start time to find your starting spot & catch the race briefing.
Prizes 12-17 years
Teens of Tainui.
1st $50 each
Prizes Under 12’s
Prince and Princess of Tainui.
1st $50 each
2nd $30 each
3rd $20 each
Prizes Under 9’s
Little Prince & Little Princess of Tainui.
1st $50 each
2nd $30 each
3rd $20 each
Te Mata Peak Trail
Sunday 30 March 2025 - 8am & 9am
Starting at Havelock North Primary, head through the Tainui Reserve to the top of Te Mata Peak and back, enjoying the view and fresh air along the way. Sure, there’ll be some sweat involved, but the rewards and kudos will be well worth it!
Havelock North Primary → Te Mata Peak → Return
Individuals – $50
School Teams - $150
(for 3 entries into Individual & Team event)
See home page for more details
Start time & location
Walkers at 8am and runners at 9am, both from HN Primary
Wee Doo Loos King of the Peak ($500)
Shoe Science Queen of the Peak ($500)
2nd - $150 (male & female)
3rd - $100 (male & female)
School Teams Winners (Schools Trophy in each category)
Other Prizes
The Scorchers sub-50 minute club
Hall of Flames sub-60 minute club
Up & Coming 11-17 yrs - $100 (male & female)
Walkers - $75 (male & female)
Eye Institute - Eye Try Awards ($100 value)
Smartwatch Map
Click below to download the Te Mata Peak Trail map for your smart watch (gpx file)
A race you will never forget!
What an awesome day out! A fun and well-run community event with something for everyone - whether looking to push your limits or enjoy the incredible views, the Peak Trail Blazer is an experience not to be missed!
Grace McConnochie, Shoe Science Havelock North Queen of the Peak 2024
Absolutely loved the event. It was really well run, the trails and the view at the top made the event very special. Would highly recommend getting involved in the Peak Trail Blazer next time.
Brandon Roberts, Te Mata Peak Trail runner, 2024
I love talking to first-timers at registration – the excitement they feel is infectious. You can see their sense of pride and achievement at the end of the race when they’re cheered up the finish chute. The PTB is a great stepping stone to other events, or just a super fun way to spend a great day in the Bay!
Nicki Young, Super-volunteer & PTB competitor
There’s something about the Peak Trail Blazer that makes it truly unique – maybe it’s a combination of accomplishing the Peak itself, being immersed in an awesome community environment and seeing an event run and executed to the standard of some of New Zealand’s best races. Regardless, it’s one I thoroughly enjoy being a part of and can’t wait to see it grow.
Laura Nagel, Hawke’s Bay Orthodontics Queen of the Peak 2016